St Dominic’s Priory College offers girls from Reception to Year 12 a distinctive, high quality educational experience within the Catholic Faith tradition. The holistic education offered is supportive of the families with whom we share our role, and respectful of each student's unique qualities, needs and aspirations. Nationally, we are affiliated with Dominican schools in Australia, and internationally we share the charism of Dominican Schools, Colleges and Universities around the world. Veritas/Truth is the motto which unites us. The College’s enrolment profile is richly diverse by birth, culture and ethnicity. It offers for each student an opportunity to interact with, and learn from, each other's perspectives on a daily basis, and gives added impetus for a real understanding of Gospel justice. Students at St Dominic's consistently achieve academic results which are second to none. In a variety of careers, they go on to make a significant contribution to the community.
Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is an opportunity for students in Years 10, 11 and 12 to access training that contributes towards a formal vocational certificate. Students can begin training towards a vocational pathway, or gaining additional skills and accreditation for employment or further study, while also completing their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). Completion of full Certificate III courses may also contribute to ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) calculation. VET courses are offered through a variety of off-site registered training providers and are specifically designed for senior school students.
A range of courses are offered, with commitments ranging from a few hours after school, to a full day commitment, spanning a term, semester or year. Students are individually counselled as to the suitability of specific VET courses for their individual pathway. Courses are offered in a range of areas including but not limited to: Barista, Business, Community Health (Aged and Disability Care), Dance, Design, Early Childhood Education and Care, Fitness, Game Design, Hairdressing, Hospitality, Make Up, Music, Photography, Screen & Media, Visual Arts.
Career Development
Our students are guided by a Careers Coordinator as they navigate the decisions that can lead them on to specific career paths, and more generally equip them with work readiness skills, knowledge and understanding. All Year 10 students will complete a Stage 1 Personal Learning Plan (PLP) as a formal component of the curriculum and at St Dominic’s there is a significant career development aspect embedded within this subject, including a Work Experience program. In addition, Year 11 and Year 12 students have multiple opportunities to meet with the Careers Coordinator to discuss and plan for their post-school pathway. Parents are welcome to attend these sessions. St Dominic's Priory College holds a Careers Evening in conjunction with two other colleges, and a mini careers event in-house in the alternate year. Families attending this expo-style event have the opportunity to access up-to-date career information from practitioners, who cover an extensive range of careers and post-school options.
As part of the Catholic Education SA STEM Learning Initiative, STEM vocational pathways have been included under the Students tab for all VET courses listed in the CESA Directory. Links take readers to which is the National Register on Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Australia. The website contains detailed information about Registered Training Organisations (RTO) and Accredited courses. Contact the VET and Careers Coordinators at your schools for further information.