These resources have been compiled as part of the Optimising Industry Support for STEM project. The aims of this project are to:
This centre introduces virtual and augmented technology welding simulators which will ensure trainees are ready to respond to the increased demand for their skills as part of the naval shipbuilding program and in advanced manufacturing.
Contact: Amanda Phillis
Link: TAFE SA Defence Industries
Hosts Mindy Thomas and Guy Raz (National Public Radio, USA) guide curious kids and their grown-ups on a journey into the wonders of the world around them. They will take you inside our brains, out into space and deep into the coolest new stories in science and technology.
Link: Wow in the World Podcasts
Inspiring the Future Australia aims to broaden the horizons and raise the aspirations of all young people, from primary school students to high school students. 95% of young people say they want employers to be more involved in providing advice and guidance about careers, so we're on a mission to help make those connections.
Link: Inspiring the Future
HerTechPath is a grass-roots community of women in South Australia working in the tech sector who want to celebrate and inspire women and girls to consider rewarding and diverse careers in the technology sector. Their community runs free briefings for high schools in metropolitan Adelaide to showcase "Where can the tech industry take you?" with a panel of women working in the sector.
Link: hertechpath.org
Office For Women SA Government - STEM Programs
(Amanda Underwood)
This SA Government Department aims are attracting and retaining more women in the STEM workforce which will maximize innovation, creativity, and competitiveness.
Link: officeforwomen.sa.gov.au/womens-policy/STEM
FYA turns the knowledge gained from research into action, co-designing programs and events for young people, with young people in collaboration with educational institutions and government as well as corporate and philanthropic partners.
Link: https://www.fya.org.au/
Carly Zanini is the Chair of Women In Civil Construction Committee. Their focus is on celebrating the contribution of women, from workers on the ground to leadership and management. Mentoring, information, education programs and networking opportunities offered.
Video Link: NAWICAUS 2018 Sarah Constructions Crystal Vision Award Winner
Link: Women In Civil Contractors Federation SA
High-quality engaging STEM education and outreach that will visit your school.
Their STEM@School programs provide the largest range of science incursion experiences in SA from Reception-Year 12. Workshops available during holidays, built especially for Vacation Care programs.
TFE Solutions is Australia’s market leader in Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Solutions and Professional Learning and Development for Education and Government. Professional Development interactive workshops are developed to fit into each individual school's context.
The STEM Professionals in Schools program partners teachers with STEM professionals to enhance STEM teaching practices and deliver engaging STEM education in Australian schools. STEM Professionals in Schools is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training.
STEM Jobs is a USA-based online informative STEM and career information site.
The site includes an online STEM quiz for students: STEM Type™ helps students explore hundreds of career and education options. As students work through the quiz, STEM Type™ compiles a list of the types of tools, technology, knowledge and activities students will need to master in related careers.
This Australian-based online resource has it all – emags, quizzes, competitions, the latest STEM information for students, teachers and community. Distributed to all Australian high schools with the support of sponsors including Google, The Commonwealth Bank and ANSTO, the Careers with STEM magazines are produced by Australian specialist STEM media company Refraction Media, winner of the best Australian Small Publisher 2015.
The Flinders STEM Outreach Program aspires to inspire high school students, teachers and the wider community to understand and enjoy the STEM disciplines of science, computing, engineering, mathematics and the environment. From our hands-on curriculum-linked workshop program for students and teachers, to our industry events and participation at expos, conferences, Open Days and a number science related events like Science Alive!, you will see the STEM Outreach team making a difference. For the REALLY enthused students, we even run school holiday activities that will take their inspiration to a new level.
CSER runs a range of Digital Technologies programs for Australian teachers, including free, online CSER MOOC courses, free professional learning events, and their National Lending Library.
CSER Communities are aligned with each of their MOOCs and support professional learning through the sharing of Digital Technologies resources and practices for the classroom and ongoing professional networking.
QUT Teacher Podclass
A podcast series that’s all about supporting and inspiring teachers, hosted by award-winning journalist Madonna King.
“Thinking Outside The Classroom” focuses on a teacher's devotion to encouraging positive engagement with maths through contextualised learning. Hear how using everything from turtle eggs to cemetery headstones can give maths a real-world context and get students of all ages engaged and participating in learning.
Food and Fibre Education SA (FFESA) is an education and outreach program which engages students, teachers, careers advisers and the general community in agricultural (food and fibre) science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). An ‘A’ (AGRICULTURE) has been added to STEM and FFESA are moving full STEAM ahead offering innovative programs which are now reaching thousands of students each year!
FFESA acts on behalf of South Australia’s agricultural sector to deliver curriculum-linked initiatives which promote innovation and opportunities in grains, livestock, horticulture, meat, wool and dairy. The program builds the skills and confidence of teachers so they can teach ag in mainstream subjects, inspire careers advisers so they encourage students to enter the industry and give students hands-on experiences which shows a career in ag is more than just gumboots and tractors.
STEM Fast Track run STEM-oriented networking events and professional development courses for young people in school and who wish to increase their chances of starting a successful career in STEM industries. They also provide equivalent professional development programs for teachers and other professionals looking to advance their careers through superior professional development and global STEM connections.
Changing Lives in 4 Days with STEM - Sistahttps:///www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tIPuEvP0k8
STEM Mista Before & After - https:///www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiimEtDPdLY&feature=youtu.be
AIML are dedicated to research in machine learning which underpins the business models of the largest corporations and has the potential to deliver massive, social, economic and environmental benefits. AIML's world-class research strengths lie in machine learning and the methods that support this; artificial intelligence, computer vision and deep learning.
Professional development programs are available for teachers.
Contact: Ali Anderson
Strong Women in Future Technologies (SWIFT) Program
Coming in 2020, the SWIFT Program aims to work with girls aged 8 to 13 in schools to develop STEMM – (the extra M is for Medicine) skills, as well as engaging with, and supporting, primary influencers – parents/caregivers, teachers, and peers - to create sustainable impact.
SWIFT Program - AIML - https:///www.adelaide.edu.au/aiml/education-and-training/schools
The South Australian School Pathways Programme (known as the Advanced Technology Project (ATP) in South Australia) is an initiative funded from the Commonwealth by the Department of Defence and managed by the Department for Education. The ATP program has a purpose to help reduce skill shortages in the defence industry by increasing the pool of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) educated students and informing Australia's youth about employment through a suite of activities and programs to provide opportunities and pathways into the defence industry.
Dr Sarah Baker - Sarah.baker@sa.gov.au
The Day of STEM is a national initiative, designed using the LifeJourney™ platform to raise the National IQ for STEM and Cyber Science. The program introduces and inspires all secondary and tertiary education students to pursue STEM careers and build the skills that will open up their future and connect them to the in-demand digital workforce.
The STARportal makes the connections that inspire young people to explore, discover, and create.
By offering the most comprehensive collection of STEM activities and providers, the STARportal is the go-to place for families to discover local STEM activities for the children in their lives and for providers to find partners with which to collaborate.
The STARportal is a a collaboration between the Office of the Chief Scientist, Engineers Australia, Telstra, AMSI, BHP Billiton and the Commonwealth Bank, in consultation with the Department of Education to ensure all Australian families and educators have access to any and all STEM outreach activities in their area and online.
SASIC will support space entrepreneurs, create an incubator for space projects and an environment where new space technologies can be rapidly developed. It will also support South Australia’s emerging space industry by providing grant funding (the Space Innovation Fund) of up to $1 million every year to young space entrepreneurs, along with new and existing space start-ups. The space industry challenges the innovative skills of our best researchers and engineers and it inspires young people to develop the skills to push forward the frontiers of scientific knowledge.
REA’s programs link schools, industry, TAFE, universities and parents in a collaborative and entrepreneurial environment focused on attracting students to take up STEM-based subjects at school and careers after leaving school.
Programs include:
SUBS in Schools Introduction - https:///www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQJqycwn_i8
There are many STEM-oriented podcasts to choose from through Player FM (mostly USA-based) - how educators can fuse STEM into everyday teaching, celebrating women leaders in STEM, STEM tech news and innovations in industries, covering tech news, work/life discussions, and innovations that excite.
Facilitated by the ACER Foundation, the charitable arm of the Australian Council for Educational Research, the ongoing mission of the Australian STEM Video Game Challenge is to help engage Australian students with STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) disciplines in a new and exciting way, and to facilitate inquiry-based learning that inspires and prepares the next generation of Australian students for the future.
STEMfooty is a collaborative 10 week in schools program for Year 7 students linked to the ACARA curriculum. The program is held on a term basis and the resources and curriculum is supplied by the program for schools to use. There is no cost to participate.
The educational objectives of the program are to:
RSP is a leading Australian Visual Effects company. School visits are offered with a presentation showing how the effects are created in films like X-Men: Days of Future Past, Gravity, The Hunger Games and the Harry Potter franchise. You’ll learn about the different kinds of people, job-roles and computer programs it takes to make photo-real visual effects, and the choices you’ll need to make if one day you’d like to work in movies, too.
Actura provides the leading STEAM-learning solutions spanning from in-class to out-of-class environments. Their FlipRobot range provides the ultimate robotic STEAM-learning solution for the in-class environment. For the out-of-class solution, the CASE Space School International Study program aims to deliver the once in a life-time, best STEAM experience at the most inspiring organisation, NASA. They also provide a flexible PD space related program for educators.
The home of The Royal Institution of Australia – a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to instilling in young Australians a passion for a career in STEM.
Link: The Royal Institution of Australia
The home of Cosmos magazine where we curate the best STEM news from around the world.
Link: Cosmos Magazine
Ultimate Careers is where you can explore the amazing array of careers in STEM.
Link: Ultimate Careers
The largest science film festival in the southern hemisphere and the largest public activity of National Science Week.
Australia’s Science Channel where we publish the most engaging STEM news from around Australia.
Link: Australia's Science Channel