Increasing numbers of students in Catholic schools are choosing a vocational education and training (VET) pathway as part of their senior school options. It is no longer a matter of having to choose SACE or VET – students can now get the best of both worlds. VET enables students to gain knowledge & skills they'll need to be successful throughout life and in their careers and chosen pathways.
Students are able to undertake VET courses as part of their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE), and earn national qualifications in addition to SACE credits. Around 2500 students in Catholic Schools are enrolled in VET courses. Growth areas mirror those identified by the state government as having increasing labour market demand.
These include:
VET prepares students for emerging industries and occupations, the jobs of the future will require students to possess a range of transferable skills such as creativity, problem solving and critical thinking. There is a greater emphasis on areas identified for future employment need such as engineering, electrotechnology, electronics, architectural drafting, IT and cyber security.
Information Technology has changed dramatically, and can prepare students for careers in Software Engineering, Network and Cybersecurity Systems. Students learn how to code in order to create new software products for a variety of operating systems plus web and cloud application development.
An increasing number of students are completing full certificate III level courses that are recognised for an ATAR as part of a student’s SACE completion.
While the numbers of students enrolled in trade training and VET courses remain steady, Catholic Education South Australia is seeing an increase in enrolments in school-based apprenticeships and traineeships. An apprenticeship or traineeship gives a student the opportunity to learn practical skills in their chosen profession, whilst undertaking a qualification at Certificate III level.
Catholic Education SA figures show that students undertaking a school-based apprenticeship in our technical colleges and trade training centres are more likely to complete their apprenticeship due to the high level of support received through their school.
VET leads to a wide range of post-school options and assists students on a pathway to a chosen career whether it be apprenticeships/traineeships, or via university, TAFE or other vocational training. Every secondary school in Catholic Education SA offers VET as a component of students SACE. To find out more about vocational education and training talk to the Vocational Education Coordinator at your child’s school.