This four-part presentation is designed especially for parents and caregivers to help them to support young people seeking apprenticeships options post-school.
Topics covered include:
More information about the Transitioning VET Students to Apprenticeships project, and a registration form for students in Catholic Schools to express their interest, can be found at this link.
This initial video highlights the high value young people place on input from their parents and care givers when making career decisions.
It explains how a career encompasses more than paid employment and provides examples of potential career pathways.
Viewers will learn how the world of work is changing and will be able to explore employment trends
The second video defines Vocational Education and Training (VET) and explains why industry and employers value VET qualifications.
Viewers will learn VET provides career opportunities and assists young people develop important employability skills.
How VET qualifications contribute to the South Australia Certificate of Education (SACE) is explained.
Skills shortages in specific trade occupations are highlighted.
The final video in the series explores the range of vocational courses and career pathways available to young people, including school-based and full-time apprenticeships and traineeships.
Viewers will be informed of organisations that can offer support to young people and the parties that are involved when a young person accepts an apprenticeship or traineeship position.
Opportunities for VET course graduates and suggestions for increasing employment outcomes are explored.
Australian Apprenticeship Pathways - provides Australian apprenticeships and traineeships information and resources to people considering career options. The website is run by the Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Information Service (AATIS) and is funded by the Australian Government
Australian Apprenticeship pathways App - The apprenticeship app is available to download from the app store or google play. It is designed to help explore potential Australian Apprenticeship career ideas and
Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Information Service - funded by the Australian Government, has been a useful source of information on Australian apprenticeships and traineeships since 1998.
Apprentice Employment Network (SA) - is the peak body representing a network of independent, not-for-profit Group Training Organisations in South Australia. Collectively, their members provide employment for over 3,000 apprentices and trainees in South Australia and account for 28% of all apprentices engaged in South Australia www.
Myskills - is the national directory of vocational education and training (VET) organisations and courses. It is an Australian Government initiative to enable consumers to search for, and compare, VET courses and training providers.
SALT Australia - is an organisation that promotes and advances female participation in the non-traditional trades
SkillsOne works with Industry, Educators, Government and TAFE to engage and promote the extensive career opportunities and pathways in traditional trades and emerging skills areas ranging from automotive, construction and mining; through to hairdressing, healthcare and horticulture. This website hosts a range of videos.
Fairwork Australia - Information about pay, awards and working conditions for apprentices and trainees
Transitioning VET Students to Apprenticeships is a Skilling South Australia project supported by the Government of South Australia.
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