About Vocational Education

Vocational education and training (VET) enables students to acquire skills and knowledge for work through a nationally recognised industry-developed training package or accredited course. VET is delivered, assessed, and certified by registered training organisations (RTOs).

Undertaking VET may benefit students' exploration of a variety of career pathways; it is not just reserved for a pathway within the trades (e.g. plumbing, automotive, and construction). Students can complete VET qualifications in a diverse range of industries, including business administration, veterinary nursing, aged care, or sport and recreation.

Career Education

Career education is an important part of vocational learning for students and describes the range of strategies or programs in schools that support career development. This includes equipping young people to make effective decisions about subject choice, pathways through school and post-school destinations including further education, training or work. 

According to the Foundation for Young Australians, a 15-year-old today is likely to have 17 jobs in five different industries throughout their working life requiring individuals to successfully transition through multiple careers. Recent research highlights the need for the education system to support young people to meet emerging industry needs and to have greater entrepreneurial skills. This will require schools to shift away from preparing students for traditional and linear career paths. Young people will need a portfolio of skills and capabilities, including skills to make career decisions throughout life. 

Best practice is for Career Education programs to be student-centred and a priority in schools from primary through to senior secondary school. Programs should be mapped across all year levels to ensure all components are included.

VET Courses

VET courses are highly valued by students, parents and employers. They provide authentic, applied learning that is practical and work-based and helps students prepare for their transition to post-school work and further study.

As part of their SACE, students can complete vocational education and training (VET) that is within the AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework). The SACE Board‘s recognition arrangements enable students to build meaningful pathways in the SACE through VET.

The recognition arrangements for VET in the SACE include recognition of:

  • completed qualifications
  • partly completed qualifications (for which a student has completed one or more units of competency).

Some students may want to maximise their ATAR for university entrance; some may wish to gain a head start with their trade training while at school; and others wish to develop skills that are relevant to their personal interests.

Your Future Awaits

Your Future Awaits

What will your future hold.

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